
cook book 短語和例子〔美國〕1.烹調全書,食譜(大全)。2.詳細說...

cook islands

Therefore , how to effectively resolve the problem of cooking books is a significant project that have to face for our country on the fields of accounting , economy , and government administration 因而,有效解決會計信息失真問題,成為我國會計界,經濟界乃至我國政府面臨的重大課題

Year after year cook books and diet books are the biggest seller , how not to eat it once you ve learned how to cook it 年復一年,烹調書和關于減肥飲食的書總是最暢銷的書,如果你學會了做菜,又怎能不去吃它呢。

Year after year cook books and diet books are the biggest seller , how not to eat it once you ' ve learned how to cook it 年復一年,烹調書和關于減肥飲食的書總是最暢銷的書,如果你學會了做菜,又怎能不去吃它呢。

The art of cooking is not easily learned . i bought lots of cook books , but they were complicated and hard to understand 所買的食譜,復雜又難懂,每每忙了老半天,沒成功半道菜。

I see ! but you have never cooked , can you cook delicious dishes after you read a cooking book 原來是這樣。可你從來也不進廚房,看看烹飪書就能做出好菜來?

Amid the smell of cooked books , foreign investors ' confidence has shrivelled 由于風聞賬冊數據遭到竄改捏造,外國投資者的信心大減。

It ' s a cook book . a cook book 這是一本烹調書

Why do you read the cooking books 你怎么看起烹飪書來了?

I found a great recipe for lasagna in my new cook book 我在一本新的食譜里找到一個很好的千層面食譜。